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A World of Discovery Awaits at University Station Academy of Davie

Every child’s educational journey is unique. At University Station Academy of Davie, our programs are designed to encourage your child’s academic growth through age-appropriate activities and curriculum. Our faculty and staff work with you to support your child’s needs throughout their development. Creating a strong foundation for your child’s education is crucial for preparing them for their academic career. Learn more about our programs to determine if we’re right for your child.

Daycare Room with Cribs and Toys

Encouraging Developmental Milestones

At University Station Academy of Davie, we follow a curriculum designed to allow your child to develop the appropriate age-based skills. Each day they spend learning with is one step closer to creating the necessary skills, confidence, and emotional intelligence to thrive in grade school, high school, and in life. Our caring and dedicated staff will be there to guide them every step of the way.

Programs Created for Their Educational Journey

Learn more about our educational programs designed to help prepare your child for life-long academic success:

Infant Program

Our skilled and licensed caregivers provide individual attention and encourage sensory exploration to develop trust and curiosity as they begin to establish a relationship with the world around them.

Toddler Program

Toddlers are curious explorers. Our discovery-based learning program, which includes structured activities and free play, helps to promote all aspects of your child's social, academic, and emotional development.

Preschool Program

We cater to the curiosity of our preschool-aged children by providing them with opportunities to explore, ask questions, and learn in a supportive environment to allow them to become more confident.

Afterschool Program

Our afterschool program offers convenience and peace of mind for parents of elementary school children. We offer complimentary pick-up from the following elementary schools: Cooper City, Fox Trail, Silver Ridge, Pasadena Lakes, Boulevard Heights, Champion Charter, and Renaissance Charter.

Holiday Camp

When school is out, we provide a fun and enriching experience for children enrolled in the school and afterschool program. We engage your child throughout the day with age-appropriate and themed activities.

Summer Camp

Summer camp is a place where children ages 5 through 10 can have fun while exploring and learning about the world. The "councilor-centric" program enhances relational experiences to foster character development and personal growth.

Cultivate a Love of Learning Through Appropriate Teachings

Since 1998, University Station Academy of Davie has been helping children develop physically, emotionally, socially, and academically with a holistic curriculum designed for their age group. Our caring and experienced team of education professionals have the skills and resources they need to provide exceptional care and learning opportunities for your child. We invite you to visit our academy, meet our dedicated staff, and see firsthand how our programs can make a difference in your child’s life.

Enroll Today