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Our Promise to Parents and Their Families

Whether you’re sending the youngest of four to our center or searching for an academy for your firstborn, finding the right learning center for your child can be stressful. As one of the leading preschools in Davie, FL, University Station Academy of Davie aims to make the decision as simple and stress-free as possible. We’ll be there with you every step of the way, from choosing the right program to acclimating your child to our school. Speak to a member of our team today to learn more.

School Playground

Why Choosing the Right Preschool Matters

Your child’s brain develops rapidly as they begin to understand the world around them. The right educational professionals will nurture their natural curiosity and provide them with the skills necessary to make sense of themselves and their surroundings through age-appropriate activities. We are dedicated to supporting your child’s development with tailored programs led by our staff to ensure each child reaches their full potential.

Discover the Benefits of Choosing Us

Since 1998, thousands of families throughout Davie, FL and the surrounding communities have trusted us to develop well-rounded children by nurturing their social, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs. Discover why we’ve consistently been one of the premier preschools in the area:

Attentive Staff

A low child-to-teacher ratio allows our caring and supportive educators and staff to give your child the attention they need to develop academically, socially, and emotionally.


Our team is trained and licensed to provide appropriate care for your children of every age level.


We implement approved childcare safety and security procedures to provide you peace of mind throughout the day.


Unlike at-home care, your child can interact with children to build life-long relationships and develop emotional growth.

Physical Development

We also help your child develop physically by engaging them in activities and providing nutritious meals.

Allow Your Child to Soar to New Heights

At University Station Academy of Davie, we’re sensitive to parents’ concerns about leaving their child in someone else’s care. You need a partner who is prepared to guide your child through each of their personal milestones and challenges as they grow and develop. Choosing the right path for them ensures they have the skills and experience to continue to thrive outside our learning center and in life. If you have any questions, large or small, you can trust us to provide honest and thoughtful answers.

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