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A Commitment to Educational Excellence

University Station Academy of Davie has been providing exceptional educational opportunities for children in Davie, FL and the surrounding communities since 1998. Our commitment to students and their families is why we’re consistently named as one of the premier preschools in the area. We provide a safe, secure, and supportive environment that allows your child to develop the social, academic, and emotional skills to thrive inside and outside the classroom. Learn more about how our values align with developing young minds.

School Room

Our Mission

At University Station Academy of Davie, our mission is to support children in a safe and nurturing environment as they build a strong foundation of skills, intellect, and self-esteem they’ll carry with them throughout their academic careers. We’re able to accomplish this by:

  • Providing opportunities to play and learn.
  • Helping to develop social, emotional, cognitive, physical, creative, and moral skills.
  • Teaching developmentally appropriate curriculum and learning experiences.
  • Building their self-esteem.
  • Creating a comfortable transition from home to school.

Your Child’s Safety Is More Than Just a Promise

The safety of our students is our school’s top priority. We adhere to the highest possible safety standards in every aspect of our school to provide you with peace of mind. Discover how our safety practices allow your child to thrive socially and academically:

Age-Appropriate Environment

All areas, including bathrooms, sinks, drinking fountains, and furniture, are designed for each age group.


Every classroom has security cameras for front desk monitoring, allowing management to observe classroom activities throughout the day.


All the doors throughout our facilities are locked and can only be accessed using a unique code used by faculty, staff, and parents to eliminate unauthorized access.

Emergency Training

We provide safety drill training every 30 days for tornado and fire emergencies.


Glass sections provide easy visibility between classrooms to provide transparency throughout the day. It also allows students to observe other classrooms and children.


Each faculty and staff member undergoes an extensive state-mandated background check and federal screening before they're eligible for employment.

Staffed Front Desk

Our front desk is staffed throughout the day to address parental concerns and monitor facility access. This allows us to ensure there's no unauthorized access.

Creating an Environment for Learning

At University Station Academy of Davie, we take the safety and education of your child seriously, which is why we’ve placed a variety of security measures. They are designed to provide parents with peace of mind, accountability, and, most importantly, a safe environment for their children to explore. Learn more about our programs, and then speak to a team member to begin your child’s enrollment today.

Enroll Today