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Build a Bright Future At Our Davie, FL Learning Center

University Station Academy of Davie provides a nurturing and stimulating environment for children six weeks through pre-K at our learning center in Davie, FL. We also offer afterschool care for elementary-age students throughout the district. Each program is designed to ignite wonder through age-appropriate activities to cultivate a life-long love of learning. Our educators are trained and licensed for each age group, so you can feel confident your child receives the proper emotional, social, and educational experience. Learn more about our enrollment process.


Enroll Your Child at Our Learning Center Today

We accept enrollment applications at any time. We often have a waiting list as one of the area’s premier early learning centers. Siblings of current students are prioritized when admitting new children. However, new families on our waiting list fill additional openings based on the date of application. The gender and age balance of a classroom may be considered in enrollment decisions. University Station Academy of Davie admits and welcomes children from all families without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religious beliefs, family configuration, or disability, which can be reasonably accommodated.

Become a Member of Our Community Today

At University Station Academy of Davie, we provide your child with the educational foundation they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Our comprehensive enrollment process allows you and your child to become comfortable with our classrooms, faculty, and staff to create an environment of trust. We encourage all families to schedule a tour at our learning center to experience the unique opportunities we can provide you and your child. Contact us today to get started.

Enroll Today