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University Station Academy of Davie Is Your Main Stop for Learning

University Station Academy of Davie Is Your Main Stop for Learning

University Station Academy of Davie Is Your Main Stop for Learning

University Station Academy of Davie Is Your Main Stop for Learning

Dedicated to Academic Excellence in Davie, FL

Every parent wants what’s best for their child. Since 1998, University Station Academy of Davie has been consistently rated among the top preschools in Davie, FL. We’re committed to cultivating a loving, nurturing, secure, and engaging atmosphere. Every classroom is led by a highly trained and compassionate educator who provides guidance and instruction as your child learns and develops. Find out more about our programs, then schedule your school tour today.

Our Mission

It takes a village to raise a child. Our entire team works in unison to provide each student with opportunities for development and exploration in a safe environment. We've instituted various security policies and technology to give parents and their children peace of mind.

Discover a Love of Learning

We aim to provide students from all walks of life with opportunities to develop academically, socially, and emotionally through age-appropriate curriculum. Our commitment has led to a lifetime of memories, friendships, and learning for our students.

Learn More About Our Programs

Early childhood education is the first step in the journey to self-realization and a gateway to future learning. We believe appropriate teachings in a secure environment enable each child to grow and develop at their own pace. Our programs allow students to express themselves and engage in self-discovery.

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We create a warm and nurturing environment while tending to your child's needs to help foster a positive relationship with the world around them.

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Each day is enriched with hands-on, discovery-based experiences emphasizing all aspects of your child's growth and development.

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Preschoolers are curious learners. We use the Creative CurriculumĀ® in the classroom to support their unique style of learning.

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We offer an afterschool program for kindergarten through fifth-grade students. A club-like program provides students with freedom of choice.

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Summer Camp

Our summer camps foster character development and personal growth through our "counselor-centered" approach.

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Holiday camps provide your child with the chance to learn, grow, and play throughout school vacations.

Give Your Child the Foundational Learning Skills They Need

At University Station Academy of Davie, we’re committed to providing students with the skills and experiences vital for social, physical, academic, and emotional development. Our experienced and vetted educators and staff collaborate with parents to ensure every child receives the support they need to excel inside and outside of the classroom. If you’re interested in becoming a member of our educational community, you can join our mailing list or contact us today to get started on your enrollment.

University Station Academy of Davie

5400 South University Drive, Suite #700
Davie, FL 33328


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 6:30 AM – 6:00 PM